
Jack Ma

BORN IN 1965
  • Experienced Artist
  • Collector’s Pick
  • Prizewinner
  • Works on commission
« Carving is about having fun and enjoying the moment. »

Jack's objective is to take the viewer on a contemplative journey to a dreamlike space where light and textures allow the viewer's mind to wander, without ever getting lost, through the sinuosities, reliefs, and changing reflections.

Contemportary Sculptor: Jack Ma | Artiblend
Wooden Elephant Statue Wood Sculpture Wooden Carved Animals SculptureWooden Elephant Statue Wood Sculpture Wooden Carved Animals Sculpture
On sale
Wooden Elephant Statue Wood Sculpture Wooden Carved Animals SculptureWooden Elephant Statue Wood Sculpture Wooden Carved Animals Sculpture
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On sale
Wooden Horse Statue Wood Carving Horses In Wood Carved Animals SculptureWooden Horse Statue Wood Carving Horses In Wood Carved Animals Sculpture
On sale